About Daylle Deanna Schwartz
Based in New York City for most of her adult life, Daylle Deanna Schwartz was best known as a self-empowerment writer/author, music business advisor, speaker and counselor/coach.
She was also a passionate advocate about the importance of self-love, a mission she embraced that led to her founding and creating The Self-Love Movement™.
In addition to her professional achievements, Daylle was also a devoted mother and grandmother to her beloved daughter and grandsons. And her personal journey to self-love opened up doors to a joyous life spent with friends and colleagues, and respect and admiration by people all around the world who knew her work and her big heart.
Her Story
Daylle was born in Manhattan on September 19, 1949, and grew up in Bronx, NY with her parents, Ruth and Robert Herman, and her sister, Carla.
As a child, she used to look in the mirror and experience self-loathing. She found herself to be very different than the thin images passed off by the media as beautiful and normal. All she saw in the mirror was cellulite and frizzy hair. She had no idea she had pretty green eyes and wasn’t fat for her size and body structure. Yet, her self-loathing birthed a self-described people-pleasing nature that resulted in a personality type she called “a full-fledged DoorMat.”
Years later, at age 20, Daylle felt pushed into a marriage she wasn’t sure she wanted and became a schoolteacher. Over time, after the birth of her daughter, she began to overcome her poor sense of self and decided to never let anyone ever again stop her from pursuing her passions. She began to treat herself more lovingly. The kinder she was to herself, the better she felt. Not long afterwards, Daylle left her marriage, started a new life filled with new achievements and adventures, and ultimately built a better friendship with her ex-husband and relationship with her family. She went on to live life to the fullest, truly embodying everything she believed in: Passion, Love, Determination, Spirituality and Inspiration. And as Daylle always said, “When you know what you want, and get the tools to achieve it, dreams can come true.”
The Author/Writer
Daylle was the best-selling author and co-author of more than 15 books, including Nice Girls Can Finish First and All Men Are Jerks – Until Proven Otherwise. She also ghost-wrote many other books for noted professionals in the self-help and empowerment arenas.
Daylle also wrote a regular column for Huffington Post on self-empowerment, as well as a popular blog on Beliefnet.com entitled Lessons from a Recovering Doormat. Her goal was to teach others how to love themselves more while taming their people pleasing natures.
Records/Rapper/Revenge Records
When teaching school in NYC, Daylle accepted a dare from her students, who said a white woman couldn’t become a professional rapper. She decided to prove them wrong in an effort to teach them about rising above the “shoulds” and “can’ts” other people throw your way in life. She didn’t want them to grow up believing stereotypes could stop them. Daylle dove headfirst into the music industry, and her students dubbed her “The Rappin’ Teach,” a name which followed her throughout her music career. Shortly after starting out, she was taken for a ride financially as she tried to get a record deal. Her students encouraged her to get revenge. Instead, she decided to teach them a spiritual lesson – to use the energy behind her anger to do something positive for herself. Daylle opened Revenge Productions and Revenge Records, running a successful music label for five years in a male-dominated industry. Despite the initial lack of respect from men in the music business, Daylle handled herself with grace and positivity, always choosing to be nice no matter what.
After conquering the music industry with Revenge Records, Daylle began teaching music business workshops, bringing people together from all over the country and the world. Dubbed the “Indie Music Guru,” she educated musicians about how to create a satisfying career, especially women who wanted to break into the music business. She began speaking at many universities and colleges, corporations and organizations across the country about the music business, self-empowerment and having the courage to follow your dreams. In addition, she worked as a consultant to many professional bands, musicians and record labels that were just getting started.
It was during this time that Daylle wrote the best-selling Start & Run Your Own Record Label and I Don’t Need a Record Deal! Survival Guide for the Indie Music Revolution.
Professional Affiliations
Daylle was a dedicated member of New York Women in Communications Inc. (NYWICI) for many years. She was very active on the Programming, Matrix and Member Empowerment Grant Committees, giving generously of her time and expertise to others. In support of her new initiative, the Self-Love Movement™ (SLM), Daylle was awarded a 2013 Member Empowerment Grant (MEG) from the NYWICI Foundation to work with Rory Kelly Connor on global branding and public relations. The grant resulted in Daylle’s ability to develop and promote the SLM and take it to a worldwide audience.
For more than 15 years, Daylle was also very active in the American Society of Journalists and Authors (ASJA). She participated as a speaker and moderator several times at ASJA’s national conferences and moderated many local programs in New York City. In 2010, she took on the chairmanship of the brand-new New York City ASJA chapter. Under her leadership, she planned and organized many successful programs and holiday parties for this very important chapter.
In addition, Daylle was also very active in the NYC-based Women in Music, participating as an active member for several years before leading the organization as President for two years. During her leadership, the organization expanded their reach and elevated their prestige and position in the music arena. Daylle also was responsible for overseeing the most successful fundraiser in the organization’s history at that time.
In the Media
Over the course of her career, Daylle has been interviewed by more than 500 television and radio shows, including Oprah, Good Morning America, and Howard Stern. She has also been quoted in dozens of national and New York City-based publications, including The New York Times, Cosmopolitan, Redbook, Men’s Health, NY Daily News, The New York Post, and Marie Claire.
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